About Me


Thank you for considering me as your therapist. It is a great honor to meet clients where they are at and provide a holistic approach to their therapeutic needs. As you are searching for a therapist, let me share with you a little about myself and how I ended up being so passionate about helping others through their hard times.

Life Experience

Those who knew me when I was young have called me inquisitive, imaginative and kind-hearted. These characteristics have served me well throughout my life and as a therapist. My growing up years were in and around Lakewood, WA. My blended multi-racial family was loving but there were challenges. I experienced trauma and adverse childhood events that have given me first-hand experience with the healing process. I needed help to move on from those unprocessed memories. It was through my own therapy as a young woman, along with the resources of faith, family and friends that helped me move on and start fresh. The freedom that came from my own healing journey strengthened my desire to become a therapist. I knew I was on the right path. Now all this time later, I have the wonderful opportunity to see that same relief and freedom within my clients. It is my favorite part of what I do.


With my own faith being so important and the value I place on the dignity and worth of all people, it is important to me to provide counseling to people from any walk of life and from any or no faith traditions within my scope of practice.

I did not grow up in a religious or spiritual environment but was introduced to an essential aspect of faith as a child through an aunt and uncle. Later, I embraced my faith more . Over the years that faith has grown into a rich and deep connection and has been an incredible resource towards health and wholeness.  It was the very thing that led me into this great helping profession. If you are interested in faith-based counseling, you can expect all the same clinical knowledge, skill building and compassionate listening paired with seeking guidance from God through prayer, scripture, Christian and spiritual resources. Sessions will start and end with prayer. 

Education and Training

In 2013 I graduated from Eastern Washington University with an MSW and two years of experience leading Cognitive Behavioral Therapy groups for those suffering with chronic pain. Prior to that I earned my bachelor’s degree in Multi-cultural Studies with minors in Counseling and Biblical Studies. Ministry and work experiences have provided me rich opportunities to work with people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds, such as spending three months in Peru for an Internship learning from women and children in poverty situations, leading bible studies and grief groups for low income and homeless senior citizens at Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission and mentoring youth at Seattle Urban Academy. Through AmeriCorps, I provided career counseling to high school students and later working at Central Washington University, I was able to assist college students with conflict resolution and on campus employment. My clinical work as a therapist over the last ten years has primarily been with the underserved populations of the Yakama Nation, migrant workers of the lower valley, disabled and senior adults, as well youth at risk with the WISe Program. All these experiences have solidified my passion to provide compassionate healing within the sacred space of therapy in a way that fully represents the ethics and values I hold dear. You can count on me to stay up to date with my training and licensing requirements.

Life Now

These days when I am not working, I spend time with my amazing husband. Between us we have three children and two grandkids. Thankful for second chances, we have learned that life can be beautiful after hard times. We like to visit our family and friends, spend time gardening and enjoying nature. We have a small family farm where the animals keep us busy, but still we love to take weekend trips when we get a chance. Some of my favorite past times are painting flowers, refurbishing furniture, walking the beach or nature trails, photography, antiquing, reading and kayaking. I look forward to learning more about you.   


Please Feel Free To Contact my Office Anytime


Openings Available

Office Hours

Available Telehealth Tues & Wed and In-Person Thurs & Fri Sessions

Monday, Saturday, Sunday:


Tuesday, Wednesday:

8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Thursday, Friday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm